About Siddharth Gupta
Memorial Cancer Hospital

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SGM Cancer Hospital is a state of art, 120 bedded comprehensive cancer hospital affiliated with Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital, Sawangi Meghe Wardha. It has all the ultramodern equipment, infrastructure, along with a pool of highly trained, dedicated clinicians and paramedics to ensure an end to end solution for all the cancer patients. keeping pace with the gold standard it has a dedicated diagnostic facility, counselling and guidance unit for prevention, dedicated OPD, comprehensive organ-specific tumour board, highly advanced operation theatres, interventional radiology support, intensive care unit, post-operative rehabilitation and physiotherapy, palliative and pain care clinic. Ensuring the comfort of patients and relatives, we have very well maintained general and luxurious, affordable private rooms for a comfortable stay during the treatment.

Medical oncology unit with an expert and renowned team of oncologists would provide chemotherapy, biologic therapy and supportive care regimens of all levels of complexity. It has the provision of Daycare chemotherapy and highly advanced medical oncology ICU.

The surgical oncology unit is a pool of highly trained surgical oncology and the reconstructive team having predictable and high success rates. The speciality has state-of-the-art operation theatres supported by surgical ICUs managed by expert Oncosurgeons and intensivists.

Radiation oncology is equipped with the most advanced linear accelerator and Brachytherapy unit. It has a well-knit team of expert Radiation oncologists, medical physicists and technologists to provide highly conformal radiotherapy.

We at SGM cancer hospital would provide evidence-based treatment, meeting the emotional and physical needs of patients and their families with a holistic aim to positively redefine cancer care.

Types of Cancers

Bladder Cancer

Breast Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Lung Cancer

Ovarian Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Stomach Cancer

Uterine Cancer

Gallbladder Cancer

Head & Neck Cancer

Neuroendocrine Tumour

Rectal Cancer

Skin Cancer

Thyroid Cancer

Anal Canal Cancer

Chronic Leukaemia

Colon Cancer

Multiple Myeloma



Our Cancer Care Specialist

Dr. Rajiv Borle

Surgical Oncology BDS, MDS
( Oral & Maxillofacial surgery), FIBOMS, IFCFRF

Dr. Nitin Bhola

Surgical Oncology MDS, PhD, FIBOMS, FAOCMF (Germany), FOO

Dr. Krunal Khobragade

Surgical Oncology MS (Surgery) MCH (Sur. Oncology) Fellowship in GI and HBP Surgical Oncology Fellowship in Uro-Oncology, Tata Memorial hospital Visiting fellow - Korea University UICC fellow - Korea University Anam Hospital

Dr. Pravin Karwade

Surgical Oncology MS (Obst & Gayne) DNB Obst & Gayne) FMAS (Gyanecology) Surgical Oncology

Dr. Venkatesh Revale

Surgical Oncology MS (Gen.Surgery) Fellowship Sur. Onco

Dr. Arundhati Lote

Surgical Oncology MS (Surgery) Fellowship in Endocrine Surgery, CMC, Vellore

Dr. Parag Ingle

Surgical Oncology MS (Surgery) M.Ch Sur. Oncology

Dr. Bhushan Jajoo

Surgical Oncology M.Ch & DNB Oncosurgery, Minimal access surgery

Dr. Abhijit Dhale

Surgical Oncology MS (Surgery) Mch Urology

Dr. Chandraveer Singh

Surgical Oncology Dip. (ENT) DNB (ENT)

Dr. Amol Dongre

Medical Oncology MD (Paediatrics), DM (Medical Oncology) ECMO, Fellowship in paediatric oncology

Dr. Nikhil Pande

Medical Oncology MD (Medicine), DM (Medical Oncology)

Dr. Vaibhav Choudhary

Medical Oncology MD (Medicine), DM (Medical Oncology)

Dr. Samiksha Dubey

Medical Oncology MD (Medicine), DNB (Oncology)

Dr. S. B. Kane

Medical Oncology MD (Medicine) Trained at Dept of Medical Oncology and Bone marrow transplant , Tata Memorial Hospital Bombay

Dr. Tejshri Telkhade Wadaskar

Radiation Oncology MBBS, MD (Radiation Oncology) Fellowship in Uro- Oncology ( Tata Memorial Hospital)

Phy. Anurag Luharia

Radiation Oncology MSMRP, PGDRTT, MBA, RSO, Ph.D.
Head Medical Physicist & RSO - AERB / BARC (RT,RD,NM)

Dr. Pankaj Banode

Interventional Radiology MBBS, DMRD DNB (RADIO-DIOG)

Dr. Hemant Deshpande

Intensive care specialist MD(Anaesthesia) , FFICM(UK), FRCA (UK), EDIC

Dr. Amol Singham

Intensive care specialist MD (Anaesthesiology)

Dr Jeshnu Tople

Pain specialist Dip in (Anaesthesia) DNB

Contact Us

hospital No.- 920 905 4470

For More Information

Call Center Landline No - (0712) 3521215, 3521216

Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha - 442001

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